The National Library of Poland During the Coronavirus Pandemic: A Brief History of The First Nine Months of the State of Emergency

Tomasz Makowski 

Afiliacja: The National Library of Poland,  Polska


Thesis/Objective – This article describes the situation of the National Library of Poland (BNP) during the first nine months of the COVID-19 pandemic. The BNP played multiple roles at the same time: as the biggest library in Poland it provided readers with safe access to its unique collections; it acted as the central body for cataloguing the latest publications for libraries in Poland; and as the country’s central state library it issued recommendations for the 30,000+ libraries across Poland. Results/Conclusions – A paramount concern was ensuring the safety of the employees and readers of the BNP and other Polish libraries, as well as issuing instructions on what libraries should be doing during the pandemic. The BNP offered support for institutions which found themselves at a loss under these extraordinary circumstances. The BNP maintained its key activities during the period, especially cataloguing the legal deposit intake of new publications.

Opublikowane: 2020-12-31

Tomasz Makowski 

Afiliacja: The National Library of Poland,  Polska


Tomasz Makowski, dr, Director General of the National Library of Poland since 2007, head of the Polish National Library Board and the National Reserve of Library Collections Committee. Editor-in-Chief of the journals Polish Libraries and the Yearbook of the Polish National Library. Chair of the Board of the Museum of Warsaw, Co-Chair of the Intergovernmental Polish-Ukrainian Subcommittee on Library Affairs, Vice-Chair of the Polish Committee of the UNESCO Memory of the World Programme. Honorary Member of the Association internationale de bibliophilie and the FIDES Federation. Author of four monographs and numerous research articles. Expert in manuscripts and the history of libraries.

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